Begin the Survey

Length of Assessment and Your Responses
  • The core survey could take about [?] to [?] minutes to complete, with about [?] questions in total.
  • If you know how to enable “cookies” and do not clear your history browser, then you may want to consider taking breaks to complete the survey.
  • You can quit and re-enter the survey at any time on the same computer to complete it if you have enabled “cookies” and do not clear your history browser.

Your answers will be anonymous and confidential. The survey does not ask for your name or any unique identifiers, nor will it record your IP address (the unique identifier associated with any computer device that connects to the Internet). You will be asked to provide demographic information that does not include information about where you live. The results of this study will likely be discussed in public presentations and published in peer-reviewed journals; however, data combined across groups for all who complete the survey will be used. If you offer comments, they may be used for illustration in publications and presentations, but otherwise we will be presenting group data.


There are no known physical, psychological, economic, or social risks linked with this study. However, questions will be of a personal nature, which some people may find sensitive, vulnerable, and/or distressing. For instance, we ask questions about your well-being; relationships; sexual attractions, behaviors, and experiences; degree of gender congruence; religiosity/spirituality; family support, etc.

If you find you are uncomfortable answering the questions, please feel free to withdraw from the study by closing the browser.

If you find participation in the study to be distressing or are experiencing thoughts of suicide, please contact a mental health professional or the national suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255.


It is challenging to find language to describe sexual and gender minority experiences that all individuals and communities resonate with. For example, terms like “same-sex attraction” and “mixed-orientation marriage” or “LGBTQIA+” may feel aversive to or even offend different people. As one reviewer asserted, “This survey is riddled with terms and phrases that could potentially offend some—even many. A virtual minefield, to be sure.”

While we've taken great pains to adjust language to be inclusive of the widest array of experiences, identities, and worldviews, there may be times that we use language that may not be preferred by all, please know that the authors of this study have attempted to use such phrases respectfully to be inclusive and more accurate or intentionally to assess participants’ attitudes.